Good evening everyone. It seems as most of this week,
this blog will be late. I have things that I am doing every morning. My
exhaustion is wearing me out. I think also that my allergies are taking a toll
on me.
Lucy update! She is doing great. She is very stubborn
though. No new tricks, just the same ones and working on potty training her on
the pads. She sleeps with us and does well all night. I think that she is
already so spoiled. She wouldn’t be still until Wesley and I moved apart so
that she could crawl up between our shoulders. Where she lays with her back on
me and her feet touching Wesley. So yeah, I would say that she is spoiled.
Have you ever just been tired or exhausted? I seem to be
that way right now. But I also don’t ever seem to stop. I just don’t want to
get into a depression. Been there, done that! And sleeping a lot is a telltale
sign that depression is there. But the pain in my back is still nagging at me
and at times is more than nagging.
But on a fun note, I brought everyone here at home a lollipop
and they were enjoying it. I will write more tomorrow afternoon. I hope that
everyone has a wonderful night.