My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

 Good morning. I know that y’all noticed that I didn’t blog yesterday, or at least I hope that you noticed! 😊 I’ll start out with the happy part of our day. I went and picked up our newest family member. I am pretty sure that her name is going to be Lucy. She is a beagle. Right now, all she does is WHINE, eat, drink, play, sleep, and POOP! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a puppy. It’s going to take me a day or so (probably more like a week) to remember how to do this. But she is so sweet. I get to go shopping for her today.

Have you ever been in a situation that seems impossible? When you think ‘this can’t be happening’? And when you drop to your knees and tell God that you can’t handle this and that it is too much? And see I’m not a patient person in some ways. When I pray for something, a lot of the time, I want the answer right now and preferably in writing! ðŸ˜‰ But it doesn’t work that way. No matter which way we decide to go with this, there is no quick fix and it won’t just go away.

I know that I have such an awesome support system. Without them, I think that I would have fell apart! Thank you Brother Hollas, Nelda, Dillon, Bernice, and Mikka. I would have never made it through yesterday if it weren’t for My God and these people!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Good wonderful Sunday morning. I’m so excited. I haven’t been to church in the last couple of weeks and I am going today! I didn’t realize how much until yesterday. I was out of town a couple of weeks ago and last week, I met Tiffany, Eva, Jimmi, and Emma in Victoria for lunch and a play. But today, I’m going!

It’s 4:00 in the morning and I’m on my third cup of coffee! Woohoo…. By 11:00, I’ll be ready for a nap though. But I will at least make it until lunch. I’m not promising beyond noon!

I feel so special, my hubby grilled yesterday. We have enough leftover for lunch and dinner today. There probably will be enough for lunch tomorrow as well. He grilled chicken, hamburger, sausage, and hot dogs! You can't go wrong with any of this when you have six kiddos at your table. 

If I can stay awake today (big if), I would like to work on the quilt. I have too many projects unfinished. I like to procrastinate but having three projects in the process just bothers my OCD side. I have one quilt on my sewing machine, one quilt basted, and a phone pouch to finish.

I was mistaken, school starts in two weeks, on the 13th. I enjoy the kids during the summer but am so ready for them to go back to school.

I hope that you have a very blessed Sunday!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

 Howdy Howdy! How is your evening going? Well, I just woke up and I’m not sure yet! I  had a lot of fun this morning. I have a bunch of pictures to post. I hope that y’all don’t mind.




It was the first time for the two youngest to have this done. They were so excited. I didn't tell them what we were doing until we got to the mall. After we got our toenails done, we headed to Golden Coral. They have the breakfast buffet and if you hit it right, you get both breakfast and lunch. We ate and on our way home the kiddos fell asleep.  

Good morning everyone! Today is going to be a busy day. My bestie, Bernice, and I are going to get pedicures and I am taking 3 granddaughters with me. They are 12, 8, & 6. So, this should be an interesting day. I will try to keep taking pictures so that I can share it with you.

How many of you deal with not being heard? I hate not being heard. It makes me feel unimportant, not appreciated, and like I don’t matter. Now for the big question: (drum roll) how do you deal with it?

I do one of two things. I either shut down and don’t talk about it or I blow up! Yes, I know that neither one of these is very helpful. But sometimes they work. I really need to find a more effective way to communicate my feelings.

If anyone wants to share their thoughts and feelings, please feel free to do so here. I don’t criticize, and I try to be uplifting. God has done so much for me in my lifetime that I try to give back in some small way. I love the serenity prayer and I found this which I love. I thought that I would share it with y'all.

I was sitting here drinking my coffee and had a thought. I wonder if the nail salon charges the same for kids as they do for adults. The kiddos start school in 2 weeks. I don’t know why I was thinking one week. I’m telling you, I think that this blonde hair dye is getting to my brain. Maybe I should have left it gray?????

Well, I hope that your day is awesome and I will let you know how today goes for me.

Friday, July 27, 2018

So this is what we need to drink on these hot sultry evenings. A glass with sweet tea and plenty of ice! I use to drink a lot of tea but now mostly just water with lots of ice.

I hope that your day has been awesome.

My day has been fairly busy day. I woke up and drank coffee with my hubby at 3:00. I laid back down at 5:30 when he headed to work. I didn't wake up until 10:30. We fixed lunch and then got changed into our swimming clothes.




I believe they had a blast and they wore me out. After we got finished swimming, we headed home and I got a bath and then my hubby came home. We decided to try to out to eat! They were so wonderful that we got compliments from other people in the restaurant. We were so proud of them!!!

They seemed to really enjoy it and they all had gummie-worms for dessert. After dinner, we made it through Walmart and then I dropped of hubby and boys and headed to grocery store. I bought groceries and then we put them up. I am super tired and am going to bed, because we have a busy day planned.

Good Night
Sleep Tight
Don't let the bedbugs bite!!!!!

Good morning beautiful! I am bright eyed and bushy tail this morning. I had a really good time yesterday. One thing that you probably don’t know about me is that I don’t like being in crowds much less crowds where I don’t know anyone. I was so out of my comfort zone that it wasn’t funny.

I headed up there on Wednesday evening. I got there about 7:00. I had a room at the Holiday Inn Express. As I was checking in, I met a lady who was going to the same conference as me. We introduced ourselves and decided to have dinner together. We went to a place called Modern Market. I don’t even know how to describe what kind of food they had. It was good and expensive. Connie and I probably talked for an hour. I went back to my room and called my hubby and got ready for bed.  I had a king size bed and four pillows all to myself. I had the room so cold and I had my fan.

I got up Thursday morning and got ready for the conference, packed all my stuff, and went down for breakfast. After I finished putting all my stuff in my car, I headed to Norris Conference Center. I didn’t get lost in morning traffic.

I’m going to just post the pictures. I met some cool people and got some really good information. Not a lot of the stuff pertained to my situation. But I did meet some women who in the same boat as I am. It is always good to know that you are not the only one.


After the conference, I headed up north of Austin to pick up these two beauties. They going to spend some time with Papa and Nona. They have grown so much since the last time that we’ve seen them. I will try to do better with the pictures and keep y’all updated on how their visit goes.

Annabelle (6)                          Elizabeth (8)

A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...