My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Good morning. We are one more week closer to school. We haven't had much of a summer this year but it will get better. Today is going to be a busy day. The kids from church are having a car wash to raise money for an end of summer trip to Splashway. So we will be at the church today from 8:30 to 2ish. After that is done, the kids have been invited to go to a swimming hole (a pond). This swimming hole is so cool. They have a slide, diving board, a rope, and they have a zip-line across it. The lady and gentleman that have it invited the kids yesterday. They are so sweet, Sherry and Hutch. She plays the piano at our church. How do you tell someone thank you for all of the memories that this is making for the kiddos?

I have been a non-smoker now for 3 weeks and 1 day!!!!

It has been truly a battle to make it this far. I am still struggling daily. In my head, I make excuses like "Oh, I could smoke just one" or dang it "I'm mad, I'll just relax with a cigarette". There are a million excuse I try to tell myself (which are all lies). Before I react, I try to find myself something to do until the urge disappears. 

Have a wonderful day and I will try to remember to take pictures today!

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