My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

This picture kind of shows how I am feeling this morning. I haven't had my coffee yet but it is brewing. It's the middle of the week and it's been pretty good. I leave for my daughters tomorrow morning. It's only a two hour trip so it won't be too bad with four kiddos.

I am planning on working on the new baby's quilt today. Maybe I can get it cut out. I don't think any of it will be hard. I just have to do all of the figuring out before and sewing it together will be easy, I believe. The hardest part will be the quilting. I am going to try my hand at free motion quilting. I have practiced it before so hopefully I'll be able to do it. I've practiced on small cakes and on bible covers. It makes me really nervous but I am going to jump in with both feet this time.

I'm not sure how to do this blog from my phone but I hope to figure it out today so that I can continue to blog over the weekend. I am enjoying this even if I don't have many views. It seems to be therapeutic for me.

 I've been thinking of this lady a lot in the last couple of day. This is my mom. The first picture was her graduation picture and the second one of her and my dad. She passed away 28 years ago. I was only 23 and my daughter was only 2. She is also who my granddaughter is named after. (chest puffs out in pride!)

We had a rough relationship. She only wanted the best for me and I was the rebellious type. And like any teenager, I thought that she didn't know anything and that she didn't understand me.

I was thinking about a particular memory that was really cool. My mom hated cats, I don't know why but she did. I think that I was in first or second grade and I wanted a cat so bad. We lived on a farm at the time and my parents kept telling me that I couldn't have one. I remember that mom went to town and when she came back she reached into the back of our station wagon and when she stood up, she had a beautiful kitten in her arms. I was so excited. She told me that she had run into Santa Claus in town and he wanted her to give me the cat because it might be too cold on Christmas Eve for him to ride in the sleigh. I named him Charlie. He was the best mouse catcher. He wasn't allowed in the house but if Momma saw a mouse in the house, we would bring him in and he would catch the mouse. I think that the only thing that mom hated more than a cat was a mouse. lol

Well enough of memory lane for today. I hope that y'all have a wonderful Wednesday. And just thank God for waking you up this morning.

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