My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

I hope that your morning is going great. Mine is going awesome. The house is quiet, I've had a hot bath, and I am listening to some music. My house will not stay quiet for very long. At the beginning of last year, we got custody of 4 of our grandchildren. They are 13, 12, 11, & 9. You will hear a lot about all of our grandchildren, they are my world. They are also a big source of my stress lol.

My plans for today are to make some curtains for my bedroom. I have been procrastinating and need to go ahead and do it. I want to get them done before I start my quilt and I really want to start the quilt so that is my incentive!

I will post a picture of my curtains when I get done with them (if I don't mess them up). Wish me luck!

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