My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Good evening everyone. I had a little nap and that seems to have helped my mood. I had a little fun with my bf Bernice and the kiddos. We decorated 5" plastic planter pots. Everyone designed their own and this is what everyone came up with.

 Now everyone has to choose what they want to put in their pot. I know that Bernice is going to hide candy in hers (good luck with that). I will have to get back with y'all on that when the kiddos decide. I felt really special today because Bernice brought us each a breakfast taco. Hmmmm.....boy was it good! I ate it too fast to get a picture of it. I don't think that I will be able to get to the quilt tomorrow but I am very hopeful for Wednesday.

Have really sweet dreams!!!!!!!


  1. Well my grandson took posetion of my pot !lol

  2. I can't decide what to do with mine! I am open to suggestions my friend.


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