My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Today is going to be an awesome day! I'm going to finish sewing the quilt top together and I am going to get it ready for the quilting frame.

My hubby made me coffee this morning (two cups)!!!! How wonderful is that?

Sooooo Goooood!!!!!!!

Just in case you are wondering, no, I didn't go to counseling yesterday. I woke up this morning thinking that I am going to have a really good day. I woke up with my cat by my legs and God in my heart.

I will post this afternoon when I get the quilt top finished. I'm super excited. I have most of it done. I just left on Thursday and didn't get to finish it.

Well, I hope y'all have a wonderful day.


A Tough Subject

 Good morning y'all. I hope that everyone is having a great day and week. I have been thinking of writing this for a while now. I see th...