My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Good morning y'all! I am having a good day so far. My hubby made me coffee and we got a moment to sit and chat. Now he is headed to work and I get some quiet time. So I thought that I would share it with you.

I didn't go pick up my grandson yesterday. My daughter didn't get him last summer and her and her family were going to the lake and wanted to take him. So I will get him on Sunday and I made my daughter happy. :)

I didn't get my curtains made the other day because I didn't have the right color of thread. We are planning to go to a fabric store to get it today. I'm not sure if I will sew today. I know that I need to quit procrastinating but in my defense, today is Saturday. It is suppose to rain this afternoon so today might be a lazy day.

I took my oldest grandson to the doctor yesterday because of his toes. He had an ingrown toenail removed in May. It is still looking rough so they removed more of it.

Things might get a little confused when I talk about my grandchildren so I thought I would try to clear things up. Figuring out how to make this clear is not easy.

  • I have two biological children, Tiffany and Danny. And I have one son who came to live with me when he was 14, Justin. 
  • Tiffany is married to Chris who has two sons, Jaxson and Landon. They also have two of their own, Eva and Ezra.
  • Danny is engaged to Stacy who has two sons, Cole and Jaxson. Together they have one son, Hayden. Danny also has a son Eli.
  • Justin is engaged to Connie and they have one son, Kai. They are expecting in October.

  • My husband has two biological children, Wesley (I call him Lil Wesley) and Eveann.
  • Lil Wesley is married to Heather who has two children, Leeanna and Brayden. Lil Wesley has six children. The oldest four are the ones that live with us, Emilio (13), Pheby (12), Wesley III (11), and Nick (9). And two more Raelynn and Elvis. 
  • Eveann is married to Tim and they have three children, Elizabeth, Annabelle, and Gabriel.
Are you really confused now? lol Me too! All I know is that at Christmas, I am really busy. But I am about to start Christmas gifts. I usually make gifts for all of the grandchildren. It's not toys so they aren't the most popular but maybe one day, they will appreciate them. I'm just teasing, they always seem to love what I give them.

A couple of years ago, I made them all sprocket pillows with whatever they each were interested in. I am still thinking about what I want to do this year. I am thinking about throws for each. 

I hope that you have an awesome day. Please feel free to comment. 

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