My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, July 23, 2018

I'm in a dilemma and not real sure how to approach it. How do you tell someone that you love that you have a problem without hurting their feelings? I'm having a really hard time forgiving someone and that makes me not trust them. They have lied to me on many occasions. I know that the Bible tells us to forgive. I am struggling with this really bad right now. I know that for my own sanity, this is something that I need to do. Besides it says in multiple place in the Bible to forgive others if we want God to forgive us. But dang it, I just want to stay mad at this person. And the sad part is that it probably doesn't even bother the other person. Ok, I'll quit whining and just do it.

Or maybe my problem is that I haven't had a cigarette in 3-1/2 weeks! That could be driving me crazy too. No one has attempted to ship me off, I figure that is a good sign. I couldn't blame them if they wanted too.

School starts two weeks from today!!!!!! Yea!!!!! I'm not sure what I'm going to do different but am going to try to figure out something.

Thanks for letting me vent! I needed it very much. I'll write more tomorrow and try to be in a better mood.


  1. You are amazing!!!!

    No cigarettes for over 3 weeks!? You are the bomb!

    Yes it’s all those things!

    When you are ready to talk to them you share how those things make you feel? Maybe it will be received better? That’s the advice my counselor has shared with me... instead of “you you you”

    It’s when you do this action it makes me feel this way hurt fearful etc.

    Love you good luck

  2. Thank you so much for the encouraging words.


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