My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Good morning! I just woke up. I still haven’t figured out how to put pictures from my phone. I can get to some pictures but not the ones I want. But oh my at the pictures I will share when I get home.

I am truly enjoying myself here at Tiffany’s and Chris’. They are wonderful hosts. And the grandbabies are such a joy. The only thing that I’m not sure about is it seems like when both parents are gone Ezra (1 year old) always has a present in his diaper for me! Does that mean ‘haha (happy laugh) I made a present’ or haha (evil laugh) I made a present for you’? Not sure on that one! 😳

My hubby survived his first night alone with the kiddos. I’m super proud of him. Taking on 4 kids and working is no easy task. I love him and truly appreciate this time he is giving me. Other than my stays in the hospital, I haven’t had a break in a year and a half. So thank you Wesley for all that you do for me!

More to come tomorrow on my adventure! God bless you and I hope that your day is full of love! 💜

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