My thought for the day!

My thought for the day!

Just Breathe!

Monday, July 23, 2018

This is me today after having such a great time yesterday. How is today going to measure up? I know that it won't because it can't. Yesterday was very special and what makes it so special is that it only happens occasionally. If it happened everyday, we would take it for granted and not cherish it as much. We went to Tokyo Grill in Victoria. It was so much fun watching Eva. I know that I might be partial but for a two year old, she was so sweet and well mannered. Every time she saw the fire, she got so excited and hollered "fire mommy". She said yes ma'am and no ma'am. It makes me so proud that she is being taught morals and manners.  

The play was over two hours and it was really good. I really didn't know what to expect from a small town like Victoria. I plan on going back and taking the whole family. There are some upcoming plays that I would love to take the kids to.

I will say one thing, the actors in the play looked extremely young. I know, that as we age, thing around us look younger but these guys didn't even look old enough to have had their voices drop yet. They were so cute! And, oh my, could they all sing. It was so cool. We couldn't take pictures during the play but if you ever get a chance, go see it!!!!!

I won't be bored today. My bf is coming over and we are going to sew or talk or something. We will for sure chit chat. We need to laugh and have a good time!

I'll stop writing for now. I will probably write more later. I hope that y'all have a wonderful day and God Bless you.


  1. Replies
    1. And I am planning to have another day with any of the family that want to go around Christmas!!!!!

  2. BLESSED!! eva s been non stop talking about "Girls day" ...what a great special memory for all..especially these precious lil girls....thank y all for arranging & successfully navigating this...


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